Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Apologies if my last post was not as coherent as it could have been, I'd just finished my first ever night shift.

The Good: I've joined an indoor soccer team and our first game is on Wed night; I've been out on my first solo ambo calls; a student nurse told be that another nurse (who I think is a fantastic nurse) and myself "really knew our stuff"- I think she was just being nice but it still made me smile, mostly because the stuff I don't know is about a bazillion times greater than the stuff I do know!

The Bad: Night shift. Horrid.

The Ugly: Me after 4 nights.

The only upside of nights is the view as I stumble back home:


  1. Well, that is pretty spectacular...shame you have to work all night to see it!

  2. i think everybody's on nights this past week and next. Glad you survived :D
